Cover of Augustinus



Augustinus publishes peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and other materials on the life, work and influence of Saint Augustine of Hippo. Articles include original contributions and Spanish translations of significant articles originally published in other languages. Reviews cover new publications in several languages.

Submission and formattng guidelines (in English and Spanish) are available in a single document here:

  • Submission Guidelines / Guía para presentar artículos
  • Submission Procedure

    Article manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format by email to the journal's Director, Enrique A. Eguiarte, at [email protected]. A complete submission includes:

    • Cover Letter. Please provide complete contact information for the corresponding author (name, address, phone/cellphone, e-mail), the complete manuscript title, and any other important and relevant information.

    • Abstracts. Single paragraphs, 200 words or fewer, describing the purpose, methods, and general findings of the study (Spanish and English).

    • Keywords. Please include keyword for the article (no more than 7).

    • Title Page. This must include authors' institutional affiliations, acknowledgments, and contact information for the corresponding author.

    • Biography Page. Please provide a short biography (fewer than 100 words) for each author.

    The journal accepts manuscripts in English, Italian, German, French, Portuguese and Spanish. If the author and Editor agree, the paper may be translated into Spanish.

    We do not accept submission of manuscripts currently under review by another journal.

    We sometimes accept articles for publication in Spanish translation that have previously been published in a language other than Spanish. Contact the editor for more information.

    Aricle manuscripts should be in the range of 5,000-10,000 words, with a maximum of 10,000 words total, including footnotes in the journal's style.

    Review Process

    Every submission is concurrently reviewed blind by the Editor and one Associate Editor. At this stage, the manuscript is evaluated primarily in terms of (1) its fit with the journal, (2) how it addresses existing scholarship and the field at large, and (3) the overall rigor and quality of research and writing. Based on the reviews, the Editor decides whether to reject the manuscript or send it to external review.

    The manuscript that has passed the review by the Editor and Associate Editor is sent to two external readers for a blind review. When appropriate, one of the two external readers will be a member of the Board of Managing Editors. The readers are given four weeks to submit a report in which they evaluate the manuscript and provide recommendations to accept, reject, or ask for revise and resubmit. The readers are asked to provide constructive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and suggestions for further improvement.

    Once the two external reviews are submitted, the Editor weighs the readers' reports and decides whether to accept, reject, or ask for revise and resubmit. Acceptance at this stage will occur very rarely. For authors asked to revise and resubmit, the Editor provides comments on how to strengthen the manuscript based on the two readers' reports as well as the Editor's and Associate Editor's review.

    The manuscript that has been revised and resubmitted by the author will be sent to review by the Board of Managing Editors. The Board will review the revised manuscript and the two readers' reports and will also have access to the manuscript originally submitted. The Board will assess the overall quality of the revised manuscript and how well the author has addressed the issues raised by the external reviewers. The Board will discuss the manuscript at one of the Board meetings and collectively decide to approve, reject, or ask for further revision.

    Accepted manuscript will move to the production stage. The Managing Editor will communicate with the author and assist in preparation for publication.