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1. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Світлана Кузьміна, Людмила Бачуріна
Svitlana Kuzmina
Rousseau in narratives of Kyiv academic philosophers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
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This article aims to reveal the semantic dynamics of narratives on Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the heritage of Kyiv academic philosophers of the 19th and early 20th centuries: Pamfil Yurkevych, Sylvester Gogotskyi, Markellin Olesnitskyi, Mykola Makkaveiskyi, Oleksandr Selikhanovych, and Vasyl Zenkovskyi. As a result of analysis of their manuscripts and printed editions (mostly bibliographic rarities) such as lecture courses, overviews, manuals, lexicons, and critique informational and rhetorical layers of the narratives were separated. Keeping almost the same informational core, Kyiv academicians’ stories on Rousseau differ significantly in terms of rhetoric. While the “older generation” goes into philosophical criticism of the pedagogical ideas of the Swiss thinker as the Stranger, the “younger ones”, limiting themselves to remarks about their controversial nature, represent him as the Self. This difference is due to both personal factors and institutional conditions for the development of Kyiv academic philosophy, as well as changes in the general political situation in the period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
2. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Ілля Давіденко
Illia Davidenko
Ukraine’s philosophy of the XXth century: criticism of one model of historization
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The aim of this article is to critically examine the model of historization of Ukrainian philos-ophy of the second half of the 20th century proposed by Vasyl Lisovyi in his article «Ukrainian philosophical thought of the 60–80s of the 20th century». The criticism consists of the following points: (1) the formulation of the subject of study in Li-sovyi's article is conceptually and empirically problematic; (2) Lisovyi’s periodisation of Ukrainian philosophy of the 20th century does not reflect the aspects specific to philosophy; (3) the impossibility of representing phenomena, events and significant relations between them within the model due to a number of unjustified simplifications (e.g. ones concerning political and cultural contexts, trends in dialectical-materialist philosophy); (4) due to the schematisation of the period through the confronta-tion of binary oppositions, the model loses the specifics of the processes in the philosophy of that period and is unable to explain the further development of philosophy; (5) the use of temporally and spatially indefinite clichés (e.g. «speculative thinking»). Special attention is paid to Lisovyi's view of the relationship between dialectical materialism and Hegel's philosophy. It is proved that, at least from standpoint of modern Hegelean studies, Hegel's philosophy does not meet the criteria for criticism of dialectical materialist philosophy and "speculative thinking" that Lisovyi puts forward as those that should be inherent in Hegel's own philosophy. To conclude, the author claims that Lisovyi's model cannot be used as a complete working approach in contemporary studies of the history of Ukrainian philosophy in the second half of the 20th century. However, this model presents scholars with two fruitful methodological principles: (1) the principle of "equal safety" / "equal threat"; (2) the principle of balance in evaluating the achievements and losses of philosophy under totalitarianism. Thus, Lisovyi’s model should be considered as an important resource for the current search for an effective model of historicisation of the relevant period.
3. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Plínio Junqueira Smith
Плініо Жункейра Сміт
Неопірронізм: сучасна версія скептицизму
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This paper presents and argues for a contemporary version of skepticism: neo-Pyrrhonism. Interest in the history of skepticism engendered a new, more complex and attractive conception of skepticism. Accordingly, many philosophers now claim they are skeptics. In line with what they say, I develop neo-Pyrrhonism as I see it. It has a negative part, in which dogmas are criticized, and a positive one: first, the neo-Pyrrhonist lives his life according to his skeptical principles and following everyday life, and, second, he is able to describe philosophically his skeptical view of the world, thereby offering possible solutions to philosophical problems empirically conceived.

reviews reviews

4. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Paulo Margutti
Паоло Маргутті
Нова історіографія щодо відкриття бразильської філософії. Canhada, J. M. (2023). Le discours et l’histoire: la philosophie au Brésil au dix-neuvième siècle. (F. Brandi, Trans.). Paris: Harmattan
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Review of Canhada, J. M. (2023). Le discours et l’histoire: la philosophie au Brésil au dix-neuvième siècle. (F. Brandi, Trans.). Paris: Harmattan.
5. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Ірина Головашенко
Iryna Holovashenko
Publications on the history of philosophy on the pages of the journal Filosofska dumka in 2022
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An overview of publications devoted to the history of philosophy in the journal “Filosofska dumkaˮ (2022).
6. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Олена Калантарова
Olena Kalantarova
Phenomenalistic Atomism as a Tertium Quid of Comparative Philosophy. Kuzminski, A. (2021). Pyrrhonian Buddhism: A Philosophical Reconstruction. London and New York: Routledge
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Review of Kuzminski, A. (2021). Pyrrhonian Buddhism: A Philosophical Reconstruction. London & New York: Routledge
7. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Олександр Корнієнко
Olexandr Kornienko
Bantu philosophy in the history of African philosophy
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Review of Dokman, F., & Cornelli, E. M. (Eds.). (2022). Beyond Bantu Philosophy: Contextualizing Placide Tempels's Initiative in African Thought. London & New York: Routledge.
8. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Олександр Луковина
Oleksandr Lukovyna
Contemporariety of Ancient Scepticism. Vogt, K., & Vlasits, J. (Eds.). (2020). Epistemology After Sextus Empiricus. New York: Oxford UP.
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Review of Vogt, K., & Vlasits, J. (Eds.). (2020). Epistemology After Sextus Empiricus. New York: Oxford UP.
9. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Андрій Шиманович
Andrii Shymanovych
Christianity’s eschatological vision at the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment. Thompson, J. W. (2022). The Metaphysics of Resurrection in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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Review of Thompson, J.W. (2022). The Metaphysics of Resurrection in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer
10. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Олег Ярош
Oleg Yarosh
Conceptualization and Reinterpretation of Violence in Islamic Thought: From History to the Present. Baig, M., & Gleave, R. (Eds.). (2021). Violence in Islamic Thought from European Imperialism to the Post-Colonial Era (Vol. 3). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP
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Review of Baig, M., & Gleave, R. (Eds.). (2021). Violence in Islamic Thought from European Imperialism to the Post-Colonial Era (Vol. 3). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP.

new editions new editions

11. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Аріна Орєхова
Arina Oriekhova
The Apology of Bergson: timeless duration. Lovasz, A. (2021). Updating Bergson: A Philosophy of the Enduring Present. Lanham: Lexington books
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Review of Lovasz, A. (2021). Updating Bergson: A Philosophy of the Enduring Present. Lanham: Lexington books.
12. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Анатолій Теклюк
Anatolii Tekliuk
The intellectual and worldview background of early Christianity. Karamanolis, G. (2021). The Philosophy of Early Christianity. London & New York: Routledge
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Review of Karamanolis, G. (2021). The Philosophy of Early Christianity. London & New York: Routledge.
13. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Віталій Туренко
Vitalii Turenko
Global of Classics: from the past to the present. Bromberg, J. (2021). Global Classics. Abingdon: Routledge
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14. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Олег Хома
Oleg Khoma
Cartesian science: method and experience. Dika, T. (2023). Descartes’s Method. The Formation of the Subject of Science. Oxford: Oxford UP
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Review of Dika, T. (2023). Descartes’s Method. The Formation of the Subject of Science. Oxford: Oxford UP.

academic life academic life

15. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Євген Причепій, Влада Давіденко, Яна Горобенко, Яна Дзюба
Yevhen Prychepii
Phenomenology of fate signs. Part IV
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Interview of Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba and Yana Gorobenko with Yevhen Prychepii.
16. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Леонід Фінберг, Влада Давіденко, Рєнат Швець, Софія Бриль
Leonid Finberg
I had the good fortune to communicate with giants of the spirit. Part I.
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Interview of Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets, Sofia Bryl with Leonid Finberg
17. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Ілля Давіденко
Illia Davidenko
“Dexterity and responsibility of thinking: a philosophical course for middle and high school studentsˮ
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Report on the implementation of the philosophy for children project “Dexterity and responsibility of thinking: a philosophical course for middle and high school studentsˮ, supported by the Sententiae community.
18. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 3
Микола Федяй
Mykola Fediai
Seminarium Historico-Philosophicum – a Place for Discussion
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Description of Seminarium Historico-Philosophicum - an interdisciplinary humanitarian seminar, and a report on the first four meetings (29.06 - 15.11.2023) organized with the support of the Sententiae community.

articles articles

19. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Дмитро Сепетий
Dmytro Sepetyi
Descartes’ Notion of Meum Corpus and Jean-Luc Marion’s Challenge to “the Myth of Cartesian Dualism”
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Jean-Luc Marion, in his latest book, “Sur la pensée passive de Descartes,” recently published in an English translation, challenges something he refers to, in the English subtitle, as “the Myth of Cartesian Dualism” and counters it with his original interpretation of Descartes’ notion of meum corpus. This article explores the reasons he adduces for this purpose. The case is made that Marion fails to provide sufficiently solid argumentative and textual support for his construal in this respect and that traditional substance dualistic interpretative resources allow for a more straightforward and systematic reading. It is argued that Marion’s central dualism-deflecting claim, that in the Meditations, “my body” is not an extended thing but a mode of thought, is undermined by an analysis that carefully considers the context of those Descartes’ statements to which Marion appeals.
20. Sententiae: Volume > 42 > Issue: 2
Микола Федяй
Mykola Fediai
Translations and interpretations of the philosophical course by Stephan Kalynovskyi: Soviet tradition and its remnants
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The article analyzes the translations and interpretations of the philosophical course Stephan Kalynovskyi taught at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 1729–1731. Drawing on unpublished translations, editorial corrections, letters, etc., the author reconstructs the history of this course’s translation for the first time, which began in the late 1960s. The author analyzes whether the researchers transcribed and translated the handwritten Latin text correctly and to what extent their interpretations of the course’s philosophical ideas are valid. The article demonstrates that researchers neither had the proper knowledge of the scholastic philosophical tradition and, in some cases, its specific type of Latin nor created the necessary critical apparatus. It resulted in many flaws in their works. Ukrainian philosophers grossly misinterpreted Kalynovskyi’s course because they found the Enlightenment, Cartesian, and local Ukrainian ideas in the text, written in Paris in the 1630s. The author also demonstrates that contemporary studies of Kalynovskyi’s course mostly repeat dubious Soviet ideas, while several dishonest scholars even practice plagiarism.