Cover of The Owl of Minerva

The Owl of Minerva

The Journal of the Hegel Society of America

Ardis B. Collins, Editor

The Owl of Minerva features articles, discussions, translations, reviews, and bibliographical information pertaining to Hegel, his predecessors, contemporaries, successors, and influences today, as well as studies that use or enter into debate with a Hegelian approach to philosophical issues. This peer-reviewed journal welcomes work from any discipline that deals with Hegel's thought in a rigorous, systematic way, including philosophy, religion, history, literature, law, economics, the empirical sciences. It also welcomes long manuscripts, acknowledging thereby that original work on Hegel often requires a rather lengthy examination of evidence.

  • Online First (forthcoming articles)
  • Current Issue + Archive
  • The Owl of Minerva is the journal of the Hegel Society of America. Contributors include Rolf Ahlers, Daniel Dahlstrom, William Desmond, Louis Dupré, Philip Grier,Stephen Houlgate, Walter Jaeschke, T. M. Knox, Tom Rockmore, Hans-Martin Sass, and Donald Verene.

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