Cover of Sign Systems Studies

Sign Systems Studies


1. General

  • 1.1. The international peer-review journal Sign Systems Studies publishes original scientific papers, review articles and book reviews on semiotics of culture and nature.

  • 1.2. Contributions should be in English. British spelling is preferred. The journal accepts also papers in Russian. The English language editing of the manuscript is the responsibility of the authors.

  • 1.3. Manuscript should be sent by E-mail to the following addresses:
    [email protected] and [email protected]
    In case of special issues, the address of the guest editor can be used.

  • 1.4. The MS should be in RTF (Rich Text Format) or in the format of a major word processing program for Windows. (Please do NOT use docx format!) Figures should be sent in separate files. In case you have special figures or characters in your MS, it is recommended that you send a PDF version as well.

  • 1.5. The MS should be accompanied by:

    (a) an accurate indication of the author's affiliation, postal and E-mail addresses
    (b) an abstract (150-200 words) in English.

2. The Manuscript

  • 2.1. Text

    (a) No special formatting should be used. Use plain text font and use tab stops or ruler function for indents (not the space bar). Do not use field functions or special styles.

    (b) Articles should be subdivided, where appropriate. Do not use more than three levels of division. If needed, use Arabic numerals to indicate divisions. Numerals should not be placed at the margin. All titles are lowercase.

    (c) Italics can be used for emphasis (not underline or bold).

    (d) Foreign words should be in Italics (instead of underline or bold), for example et al., langue, parole etc.
    Exception: “Umwelt” is treated as an English word.

    (e) The names of articles and books should be in Italics, without quotation marks.

    (f) Words should not be hyphenated.

    (g) All notes should be footnotes. Footnotes should not consist of a bibliographic reference only.

    (h) Acknowledgements to individuals and grants should be inserted into the footnote from the last word of the article (before the references, after the full stop). The names of the organisations should appear in full.

    (i) Transliteration of cyrillic words, titles of books and journals etc. should follow the sss's transliteration table.

  • 2.2. Tables and figures

    (a) All tables and figures should be accompanied by captions and sent in separate files. If special layout is used, it is recommendable to include a pdf-version of the figures.

    (b) The location of the tables and figures should be indicated in the text:

    […] according to Peirce’s triadic sign model (Fig. 1).

    (c) The author is responsible for acquiring the publishing rights for figures or artwork that are not their own.

  • 2.3. Citations

    (a) All the quotations should follow the original exactly. Omitted passages should be indicated by [...]

    (b) Author’s interpolations should be enclosed in square brackets: [ ] (not / /).

    (c) Long quotations (of more than 4 lines) should be indented without quotation marks.

    (d) Author-date citations should generally be given within parentheses. For instance:

    Winner (1995: 259) has shown...
    [...] as has been shown already (Winner 1995: 259).

    In case of two authors:
    […] as has been demonstrated before (Lotman, Uspenskij 1978: 213).

    Three or more authors:
    […] as has been suggested earlier (Uspenskij et al. 2003).

    (e) If there are two authors with the same family name, use the initial letter of the first name in the citation:

    […] about the semioshpere (Lotman, J. 2005).
    […] in the verse (Lotman, M. 2008).

    (f) The inline references should always use the year number of the edition used for quoting. If it is absolutely necessary to include the publication year of the original edition, use square brackets:

    […] as shown in their Thesis (Uspenskij et al. 2003[1973]).
    […] about the dominant (Jakobson 1981[1935]).

    (g) If there are several references in the same brackets, they should be separated by “ ; ”

    […] as has been demonstrated by many earlier works (Lotman 2001, 2005; Torop 2005; Kull 2005)

  • 2.4. Reference list

    (a) Reference list should include all the works cited or referred to in the text. Works not referred to should not be included.

    (b) References to web-pages should be avoided. If absolutely necessary, these should appear only in footnotes.

    (c) References to conference papers and other oral presentations should be avoided. If absolutely necessary, they should appear in footnotes.

    (d) Self-references to the author of the MS should not exceed 15% of the whole reference list.

    (e) If possible, the authors should refer to the original works directly and not via third authors. For example: as (Lotman 1990) and not: (Lotman 1990 cited in Torop 2005). Exceptions can be made to rare or old manuscripts and works written in rare languages.

    (f) The reference list should be alphabetic, using the formats as shown below.
    Book and journal titles are in italics and capitalized in headline style. Article titles are in lowercase.
    Arabic numerals are used for volume and series numbering.
    Authors' names should preferently appear in full.
    Cyrillic titles can be both in Cyrillic or Latinised form.


    Deacon, Terrence 1998. The Symbolic Species: The Co-Evolution of Language and the Human Brain. London: Penguin Books.
    Lotman, Yuri M. 1990. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. London: I. B. Tauris.
    Krampen, Martin; Oehler, Klaus; Posner, Roland; Sebeok, Thomas A.; Uexküll, Thure von (eds.) 1987. Classics of Semiotics. New York: Plenum Press.


    Baer, Eugen 1984. How do reflexive systems communicate? In: Pelc, Jerzy; Sebeok, Thomas A.; Stankiewicz, Edward; Winner, Thomas G. (eds.), Sign, System and Function: Papers of the First and Second Polish-American Semiotics Colloquia. (Approaches to Semiotics 67.) Berlin: Mouton Publishers, 1–11.
    Krampen, Martin 1997. Models of semiosis. In: Posner, Roland; Robering, Klaus; Sebeok, Thomas A. (eds.), Semiotics: A Handbook on the Sign-Theoretic Foundations of Nature and Culture, vol. 1. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 247–287.
    Nöth, Winfried 1998. Ecosemiotics. Sign Systems Studies 26: 332–343
    Stigler, Lis 1981. Sociolingvistik i Sovjetunionen. Svantevit 7(2): 5–20.
    Winner, Thomas G. 1995. Prague structuralism and semiotics: Neglect and resulting fallacies. Semiotica 105(3/4): 243–275.
    Jakobson, Roman 1981[1935]. The dominant. Selected Writings III. Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton Publishers, 751–756.
    Lotman, Yuri 1990. The symbol in the cultural system. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. London & New York: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd.
    CP = Peirce, Charles S. 1931–1958. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [Hartshorne, Charles; Weiss, Paul (eds.), 1931–1935; vols. 7–8. Burks, A. W. (ed.) 1958; In-text references are to CP, followed by volume and paragraph numbers]
    MS = Peirce, Charles Sanders. Unpublished manuscripts. Copies from Peirce Edition Project of Indiana University — Purdue University, Indianapolis. [In-text references are to MS, followed by manuscript number and page numbers]

3. Reviewing

All manuscripts will be reviewed. (Get the review form.)

4. Offprints

Authors will receive one copy of the issue and electronic reprint of their article in pdf-file.