Cover of Southwest Philosophy Review

Southwest Philosophy Review


Each January issue of the journal contains papers presented at the previous annual meeting of the Southwest Philosophy Society. Papers in the July issue are selected by the editor from open submissions, with the advice of the members of the Advisory Board and other referees.

Submissions are invited on any philosophical issue from any perspective. Author's name should appear only in a separate cover letter, and submissions should be formatted for blind review. While the acceptance rate for the journal and the annual conference is competitive—usually fewer than 20% of submissions are accepted—we encourage submissions from younger scholars and seek to provide the challenging discussions that will assist these young scholars in their professional development. 

Submissions to the open July issue should be double-spaced and have notes at the end. Manuscripts should be prepared for blind review in Word format (.doc or .rtf), and sent by email to the editor:

Todd M. Stewart, Editor
Southwest Philosophy Review
Philosophy Department
Campus Box 4540
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790

[email protected]