Cover of Proceedings of the XXIV World Congress of Philosophy

Proceedings of the XXIV World Congress of Philosophy

All Papers from the Plenary, Symposia and Endowed Lectures (forthcoming)

Assembled and translated by the Chinese Organizing Committeee

The 24th World Congress of Philosophy was held in Beijing in August 2018. It was sponsored by the Peking University in cooperation with the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP). The theme of the Congress was "Learning to be Human."

This collection will contain all papers from the plenary, symposia and endowed lectures, translated into each official language of the 24th World Congress. The publication process was significantly delayed by the pandemic and the Chinese Organizing Committee (COC) now expects final publication in the 2nd half of 2024.

NOTE: Review of the papers contributed to the thematic sections, student sections, and society meetings at the 24th World Congresss revealed very uneven quality. The COC therefore decided not to include them in these Proceedings.

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· Forthcoming 2024 from The Commercial Press in Beijing · Final revisions now in production ·
· Preservation and online access will be provided by the Philosophy Documentation Center ·

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