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1. Sententiae: Volume > 36 > Issue: 1
Abstracts [RUS]

2. Sententiae: Volume > 36 > Issue: 2
Abstracts [RUS]

3. Sententiae: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Сергей Секундант, Руслан Меламед Sergiy Seсundant
Лейбниц И Каббала
Leibniz and Kabbalah

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The main objective of this paper is to determine whether the mystical currents and, inparticular, a cabbalah one have influenced the formation of the Leibniz's philosophicalsystem. Authors try to prove that the philosophy of Leibniz is based on the rational bases.If it is possible to speak about Leibniz's mysticism it is rather a Christian mysticism, thanthe Cabbalistic. It concerns mainly relations between the person and God, but not thesystem of Leibniz, which excludes any ambiguity and does not provide for any mysticintervention in a course of nature. And though Leibniz's mysticism concerns one of thebasic concepts of his rationalistic system concept of natural light, – nevertheless it ismuch more correctly to speak about rationalization of mysticism by Leibniz, than aboutthe mystical bases of his rationalism.
4. Sententiae: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Борис Домбровский Boris Dombrovskiy
Философия Стены
Philosophy of Wall

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Within a culture, which is understood as a complex of prohibitions, the phenomenon of wall is examined as an incarnate prohibition. The role of the wall is probed in a historical aspect, and fragment of wall as substrate in a fine art. Certain locus of walls as crossing of rays of direct and reverse prospects, jointly adopted a positive prospect. On the example of graffiti, the concept of negative prospect is introduced. It had been shown that an integral appearance in a negative prospect disintegrates to pieces. Destruction of image is explained by the influence of wall as an incarnated metaphysical prohibition. So interpreting phenomenon of the wall is the object of apophatic philosophy.
5. Sententiae: Volume > 22 > Issue: 1
Всеволод Кузнецов, Любовь Нерушева Vsevolod Kuznetsov
«Пол – Всегда Центр…» Философия Любви Василия Розанова
”Sex is always the center…” Philosophy of Love by V. V. Rosanov

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This paper is dedicated to V. V. Rosanov views on the issue of sexual love. Analyzing the system of Rosanov’s notions of the God, nature and sex, authors show how the philosopher is trying to create pansexualistic quasireligious doctrine versus Christianity. The thinker is referred to as a radical ideologist of mystical-erotic revolution and a mouthpiece of peculiar to Russian culture trend towards the construction of a national religion.
6. Sententiae: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Сергей Секундант Sergiy Seсundant
Субъект И Достоверность. Нормативнокритические Основания Понятия Субъекта У Лейбница
Subject and certainty. Normative and critical principles of Leibniz’s notion of subject

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Examining the problem of subject in close relation with the problem of certainty, Leibniz demarcates in this matter several different points of view and, respectively, sev-eral different notions of subject. Therefore, although Leibniz uses the term “subject” pre-dominantly in metaphysical meaning, in the controversies, nevertheless, he distinguishes at least five meanings of this term: empirical, gnosiological, epistemical, phenomenologi-cal and metaphysical. Since he understood philosophy as the constantly developing sys-tem, and its development– expression of human spirit striving for bigger certainty, the bearer of such knowledge Leibniz views niether empirical nor even the transcendental subject, but the whole humanity in the history of its development. The God in Leibniz’ system also is the special kind of subject.
7. Sententiae: Volume > 24 > Issue: 1
Всеволод Кузнецов, Любовь Нерушева Vsevolod Kuznetsov
Роман С Вечной Женственностью. Эротический Мистицизм Владимира Соловьева
Romance with Eternal Femininity. Erotic Mysticism of V. Solovyov

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This work is dedicated to erotic philosophy of V. Solovyov. The authors analyze Solovyov’s general ideas about sex, sexual love and sexuality, as well as Solovyov’s sophiological doctrine. The sources of such analysis are not only philosophical but also literary works of V. Solovyov. In the article much attention is given to the search of archetypal basis of Solovyov’s theoretical constructs. The authors draw parallels between metaphysical constructs of V. Solovyov and Slavic cosmogonic myth.
8. Sententiae: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Сергей Шевцов Sergii Shevtsov
Теория Естественного Состояния: Гоббс, Локк, Руссо
The theory of a natural state: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau

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The author offers an analysis of the logical model of “natural state” in the writings of the three mentioned authors and attempts to define its role in their theories of law. The analysis demonstrates that all three models share the same basic idea: namely, the concep-tion of an independent reasonable individual; this very idea is exactly what these different models are based upon. The concept of an individual itself does not have a substantiation.
9. Sententiae: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Борис Домбровский Boris Dombrovskiy
Франц Брентано Как Предтеча Аналитической Философии
Franz Brentano as a precursor of analytic philosophy

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The paper considers F. Brentano’s judgement theory and its influence upon the develop-ment of analytical philosophy. It is asserted that this judgement theory in Brentano’s reistic ontology, using the notion of accidental extension, leads to the creation of the existence of things “by word”. Such an “art” becomes possible only when the “accidental extension” is treated as an aesthetic or ethic evaluation. Brentano owes the separation of a logical evalua-tion of “truth” to Descartes’ dualism. Judgement theory does not satisfy the criterion of in-tersubjectivity. Therefore Brentano as well as his admirers must read the judgements by de-scription. It is stated that the description defence mechanism against the expression of the presented subject in language lies in the fact that it does not allow for the unique junction in the composition of the description of existence and essence (accidental extension), allowing to express the existence of only a part of the presented subject.
10. Sententiae: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Наталия Бевзюк Natalia Bevzuk
Диалектика Теологического И Умозрительного
Dialectics of the theological and the speculative

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The article considers the problem of theology and the speculative in their dialectic and systemic sense. The author comes to the conclusion that the more spontaneously the necessity of historical theology is grounded (in a narrow sense, as exegesis, as church and dogmatic history), the more inevitable becomes their need of abstraction and speculative comprehension of themselves. On the other hand, this very speculative comprehension of oneself allows theology to develop fruitfully and systemically. The author considers this dialectic connection on the example of Protestant theology.
11. Sententiae: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Михаил Черенков Mykhailo Cherenkov
Перспективы Теологофилософского Диалога В Постсоветском Протестантизме
The prospects of Theological-Philosophical Dialogue in Post-Soviet Protestantism

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The article shows that the theology of post-Soviet Protestants in a nominally religious society naturally finds interlocutors in the philosophical sphere, where, it turns out, there is more freedom and diversity. The article proves that theology, with its aggregative capabilities, can become the foundation and axis for the integration of knowledge, aca-demic and spiritual culture, philosophy and practical wisdom, church and community life. According to the author’s approach, the obvious fact that the language of Protestant theology is limited in vocabulary and usage does not impoverish it, but liberates it for the adoption of other languages, languages of culture and philosophy. Theology is consi-dered, first and foremost, as a part and function of the Church, but also as an intellectual and spiritual culture. Therefore, the theology that wants to become more than theology for the Church, wants to become a witness to the world and a tool of its retransformation, must also be a philosophical theology. The article emphasizes the problem of overcoming fundamentalism, which can be accomplished not through moving backwards – from a theological-philosophical union of cultures to internal church subcultures, but by moving forwards – through a theological assimilation of philosophical culture.
12. Sententiae: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Анна Голубицкая Hanna Holubytska
Генезис Философской Рефлексии Георгия Флоровского (По Материалам Рецензий «Одесского Периода»)
The genesis of Georges Florovsky’s philosophical reflection (based on reviews of «Odessa period»)

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The author reveals the origins of Georges Florovsky's philosophical reflexion. The central idea of it is the problem of defining the place and importance of «Odessa period» in his creative heritage. The author pays special attention to Florovsky's early works.
13. Sententiae: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Cергей Секундант Sergiy Seсundant
К Вопросу Об Употреблении И Переводе Терминов «Species» И «Ideae» У Св. Фомы Аквинского
To Question about the Use and Translation of the Terms of "Species" and "Ideae" in St. Thomas Aquinas

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Discussion with Andrew Baumeister about the relationship between the terms "Species" and "Ideae" in Thomas Aquinas.
14. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Геннадий Аляев Gennadii Aliaiev
Двойственность Национального Сознания Как Экзистенциал И Предмет Анализа (Опыт Василия Зеньковского)
Duality of National Consciousness as an Existential and a Research Topic (Vasil Zenkovsky’s Experience)

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National philosophy as a research topic in relation to Ukraine has its peculiar features. The national philosophy, in this case, cannot signify only Ukrainian philosophy, strictly ethnically limited (meeting either geographic or mental criteria). This entails an inevitable question of delimitation between Russian and Ukrainian philosophies. The only way to solve this unavoidable question is to recognize the duality of national consciousness as well as cultural parallelism, suggested by V. Zenkovsky for solving problems in relationships between Russia and Ukraine.
15. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Марина Вольф Marina Volf
К Вопросу О Национальной Философии: Античный Ракурс
On the concept of national philosophy: a view from antiquity

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The idea of national philosophy is often expanded to ancient doctrines and problems. This is inappropriate but possible due to a number of clichés in contemporary understanding of philosophy, such as the reduction of philosophy to life experience and identification of philosophy with journalism and ideology. The author presents several arguments against these positions basing on various texts of early Ionian thinkers, Aristotle, Isocrates, Gorgias. Philosophy in Ancient Greece was understood as a critical practice of reasonable debates that implied a commitment to specific school or position and conscientious civil position of the philosopher. It was classic Greece where this understanding of philosophy formed as a combination of three conditions: citizen’s virtue → rhetorician’s persuasiveness → philosopher’s best knowledge (i.e., truth), that accompanied philosophy for the last 25 centuries. On that ground any discussion of national philosophy (Russian, Nenets, Bantu etc.) will be correct only if all of these conditions would be realized in any discourse, and this discourse would correspond to specific disciplinary features mentioned above.
16. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Олег Донских Oleg Donskikh
Национальная Философия В Границах Жанра
National philosophy within the limits of genre

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In order to speak seriously about the emergence of national philosophy, it is necessary to consider not only the content of available texts that belong to a certain period, but also the ability of society to create and adequately perceive them. The article shows how in the Russian mediaeval national consciousness certain themes were elaborated, in particular the themes of "pravda" and "volya", which later in the XIX century determined not only the main direction of the national philosophizing, but also its genre diversity.
17. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Сергій Йосипенко Serhii Yosypenko
Національні Філософські Традиції Як Предмет Історико-Філософської Рефлексії
National philosophic traditions as an object of reflection in the field of the history of philosophy

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The article analyses the use of the idea and notion of national philosophy in the studies of the history of Ukrainian philosophy. Particularly, studying the writings of Dmytro Chyzhevskyi and Vilen Horskyi, there were analysed problems of applying the descriptive strategy in this field. The strategy consists in finding phenomena in the history of philosophy which could correspond to the notion of national philosophy. The institutional approach is put forward as an approach which can unite various phenomena, making up the contemporary canon of the history of philosophy of Ukraine. The proposed approach supplements and deepens a cultural approach, suggested by Vilen Horskyi, with the application of methods of social philosophy. It consists in study into national philosophical traditions as institutions which allow forming and interconnection between different modes of philosophizing within a national culture.
18. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Борис Домбровский Boris Dombrovskiy
Символ Как Объект Апофатической Философии
Symbol As an Object of Apophatic Philosophy

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Symbol is produced by creative activity and is a thing. That is why reism is the ontology of symbol. This paper does not consider the limits of the forms of a thing (the approach of E.Cassirer and S.Langer), since the concept of form could witness only actual (not possible) existence, which does not belong to symbol ex definitione. It is known that an expression of a thing’s essential being (esse essentiale) leads to apophatism. This apo-phatism roots in theology. In the period of symbolism (second third of 19th – beginning of 20th century) apophatic essence of symbol is analyzed by A. Losev from the positions of phenomenology. The last Losev’s paper on symbol does not contain the concept of apo-phatism, but it stresses the “engendering capacity” of symbol, whereas in fact one should speak about individual creativity. An expression of existential being (esse existentiale) of symbol appears implicitly in the works of Brentano. His thetic judgment, interpreted as a description, is not only referential, but also ontological failure. Existential judgment of Brentano is an example of apophatism in philosophy, so that one could speak about apo-phatic philosophy. Creative activity in symbolism is directed towards the construction of tools that generate symbol (rather than symbol itself), primarily the symbolic languages. If such a language loses its links to being, symbol becomes sign. This gives Łukasiewicz an option to approach the creation of value as a symbolic evaluation. An introduction of a third truthevaluation leads to apophatism of the current moment of time and its replacement by the duration or change of the value of the mentioned evaluation. An interdiction for expression of a thing’s being, caused by creation of thing, and a current moment of time make symbol a subject of apophatic philosophy.
19. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Всеволод Кузнецов Vsevolod Kuznetsov
Просвещение И Онтология. Просвещения Автохтонные: Китай
Enlightenment and Ontology. Autochthonous Enlightenments: China

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In this article, we will continue our study of some ontological aspects of phenomenon of Enlightenment. Now we consider Chinese Enlightenment. But first we must prove that Chinese Enlightenment exists, and we do it. We show that Chinese Enlightenment is Confucianism. Further, we consider Confucian mechanisms designed to manipulate being and show how Confucianism uses traditional ontological mechanisms and creates new ontological mechanisms.
20. Sententiae: Volume > 30 > Issue: 1
Владимир Демьянов Vladimir Demyanov
Догматизм Forever, Ничего Нового
Dogmatism forever, nothing new

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This article is an answer to the article by Andriy Bogachov “Sacrificium intellectus. A re-presentation of modern dogmatism”. The author, trying to abstract as far as possible from a personal context, attempts to argue for the legitimacy of Christian metaphysics in contempo-rary philosophy. The field of discourse is outlined by the distinction between the concepts “knowledge/faith” and “subject/personality (hypostasis)”. The key question is ontological priority of a personal modus of being over individual-subjective modus, and, respectively, faith as a condition of a possibility of knowledge and human image of being, since human being is portrayed here as a being that knows itself, as an identity of being and knowledge.